Academic and Research Interests
My interests revolve around theoretical and observational understanding of the origin, evolution, future, and fundamental building blocks of our Universe. Do we need physics beyond the standard models of cosmology and particle physics in order to solve some of the most mysterious puzzles about the Cosmos? If yes, what are the promising directions? How can we test the cosmological standard model and its alternatives?
Cosmic anomalies and observational tensions
Large-scale anomalies and observational tensions: model building and data analysis
Cosmic topology
Searching for the topology of the Universe
Early-universe cosmology
Early-universe cosmology: cosmic microwave background, initial conditions, inflation and alternatives, primordial perturbations, large-scale structure, primordial gravitational waves, primordial black holes, string cosmology
Cosmic acceleration
Cosmic acceleration: dark energy, cosmological constant problem, infrared theories of gravity, large-scale structure, fundamental-physics (supergravity, string theory, quantum gravity) based models of dark energy
Cosmological tests of gravity
Cosmological tests of gravity: large-scale structure (ultra-large scales, nonlinear regime), gravitational waves
Implications of cosmology
for fundamental theories
Implications of cosmology for fundamental theories: supergravity, string theory, quantum gravity
Multi-messenger cosmology
Multi-messenger cosmology: cosmological surveys (Planck, Euclid, SKAO, LiteBIRD, CMB-HD)
Dark matter
Theory and phenomenology of dark matter
Big data, statistical inference and HPC
Big data, statistical inference and high-performance computing in cosmology and fundamental physics
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence in cosmology and fundamental physics